Photon Engine 2.0.0-beta
A physically based renderer.
No Matches
sdl_helpers.cpp File Reference
#include "SDL/sdl_helpers.h"
#include "SDL/Introspect/SdlClass.h"
#include "SDL/Introspect/SdlStruct.h"
#include "SDL/Introspect/SdlField.h"
#include "SDL/Introspect/SdlFunction.h"
#include "SDL/SdlOutputClause.h"
#include <Common/assertion.h>
#include <Common/Utility/string_utils.h>
#include <format>


namespace  ph
 The root for all renderer implementations.
namespace  ph::sdl


void ph::sdl::save_field_id (const SdlField *sdlField, SdlOutputClause &clause)
 Save the identity of the field to output clause.
auto ph::sdl::get_all_callable_functions (const SdlClass *callableParentClass) -> std::vector< std::pair< const SdlFunction *, const SdlClass * > >
 Get a list of callable functions from the class.
std::string ph::sdl::gen_pretty_name (const SdlClass *clazz)
 Generate a human-readable name for the SDL types. These helpers allow input types to be null.
std::string ph::sdl::gen_pretty_name (const SdlStruct *const ztruct)
std::string ph::sdl::gen_pretty_name (const SdlFunction *const func)
std::string ph::sdl::gen_pretty_name (const SdlField *const field)
std::string ph::sdl::gen_pretty_name (const SdlClass *const clazz, const SdlField *const field)
std::string ph::sdl::name_to_title_case (std::string_view sdlName)
 Make a standard SDL name to canonical capitalized form. Make the SDL name capitalized and separated by spaces. Example: "some-sdl-name" will be "Some Sdl Name".
std::string ph::sdl::name_to_camel_case (std::string_view sdlName, bool capitalizedFront=false)
 Make a standard SDL name to camel case. Example: "some-sdl-name" will be "someSdlName" (if capitalizedFront is false).
std::string ph::sdl::name_to_snake_case (std::string_view sdlName)
 Make a standard SDL name to snake case. Example: "some-sdl-name" will be "some_sdl_name".