Photon Engine 2.0.0-beta
A physically based renderer.
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Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NphThe root for all renderer implementations
 NdetailImplementation detail mainly for internal usages
 NmathMath functions and utilities
 RCColorValuesInterfaceSatisfying this concept makes ImplType usable as color values
 RCRawColorValuesWhether ColorValuesType is a raw color values type
 RCHasColorSpacePropertiesBasic requirements for a color space definition
 RCSupportsTristimulusConversionsBasic requirements a tristimulus color space definition must satisfy in addition to CHasColorSpaceProperties
 RCSupportsSpectralConversionsBasic requirements a spectral color space definition must satisfy in addition to CHasColorSpaceProperties. Bound tristimulus color space: A spectral color space must choose a tristimulus color space as its binding space, which will be used by color space operations that cannot operate in the spectral space. The chosen color space is often referred to as "bound space" for simplicity
 RCHasStaticSdlCategoryInfoCheck if SDL category information can be obtained statically. The result is true if the static member variable T::CATEGORY exists, otherwise the result is false
 RCHasSdlClassDefinitionWhether T is a well-defined SDL class
 RCHasSdlStructDefinitionWhether T is a well-defined SDL struct
 RCHasSdlFunctionDefinitionWhether T is a well-defined SDL function
 RCHasSdlEnumDefinitionWhether EnumType is a well-defined SDL enum
 RCCanAddCheck if instances of types can be added together
 RCCanSubtractCheck if instances of types can be subtracted
 RCCanMultiplyCheck if instances of types can be multiplied together
 RCCanDivideCheck if instances of types can be divided
 RCEnumWhether the type is a scoped/unscoped enum
 RCNumberChecks whether T supports arithmetic operations. Effectively checking std::is_arithmetic<>
 RCDerivedChecks whether DerivedType is derived from BaseType. The result is also true if both types are the same; false if one of them is a primitive type
 RCBaseChecks whether BaseType is a base of DerivedType. The result is also true if both types are the same; false if one of them is a primitive type