Photon-v2 is a rendering engine made out of my love for computer graphics. A rendering engine is what takes geometrical descriptions and material properties of a 3-D scene as input, and outputs a 2-D image of that scene from a specific point of view. In layman’s terms, it is like taking a photograph, except the scene and the camera are both computer simulated. This project is still actively being developed, and more features are expected to come.

Full source code available.

Technical Showreel

Please click the following image to watch the technical showreel for Photon Renderer on YouTube:

showreel thumbnail


It is recommended to use the master branch for your research, as master is guaranteed to have critical bugs fixed and is not as volatile as develop. For bleeding-edge features or bugfixes develop can be a good choice.

If you use Photon in your research project, you are hightly encouraged to cite it using the following BibTeX template:

	Author = {Tzu-Chieh Chang},
	Year   = {2016--2023},
	Title  = {Photon renderer},
	Note   = {}


If you spot any error or see some room for improvements, please send me an email (