Building Photon is super easy since the renderer is coded from scratch (almost) using standard C++. Each of the required third-party libraries is either header only or pre-compiled, and can be handled automatically with the setup script.


Photon uses CMake as its main build system, and the toolkits you need are as follows:

  • CMake 3.10+ (3.20+ recommended)
  • Python 3 (3.9 recommended)
  • C++20 compliant compiler (necessary)

If you want to build the editor in previous version, you will also need:

  • JDK 1.8+ and Maven

This is not required for building the new C++ based editor.

Note that the working directory is assumed to be the project root (in the folder that you cloned) if not stated, and please use ./build/ as build folder for now since build scripts are more or less hard-coded to use this path, currently.

Step 1: Run the Setup Script

Run the setup script (depending on your system, choose either ./setup.bat or ./, this will download pre-compiled libraries and resources into “./build”.

Step 2: Compile

For Windows, just use CMake-GUI to generate project files for your favorite IDE.

For Linux and macOS, run the following commands:

  • cd ./build/
  • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release ../
  • make

Step 3: Have Fun

The compiled binaries will be in the ./build/bin/ folder.

Appendix A: Available CMake Options

Several options are available for fine-tuning the built binaries. To specify a CMake option named SOME_OPTION with value SOME_VALUE, you should add it as an additional argument in the form

cmake -DSOME_OPTION=SOME_VALUE (other arguments...)

and substitute SOME_OPTION and SOME_VALUE with the options listed below.

(do not forget the -D prefix)

Options Values Effects
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE release, debug When set, build binaries with optimizations enabled; otherwise no optimization is done.
PH_BUILD_TESTS ON (default), OFF Build unit tests. They should be executed from the build folder.
PH_BUILD_EDITOR_JNI ON, OFF (default) Build JNI for Photon Studio (previous editor).
PH_BUILD_EDITOR ON (default), OFF Build editor application.
PH_BUILD_SDL_GEN ON (default), OFF Build SDL automation tool.
PH_BUILD_PHOTON_CLI ON (default), OFF Build command-line application.

You can also obtain a complete list of options with descriptions by running cmake -LAH ../ in the build folder.