Gemetries define shapes in a scene.

If there is a ball in the scene, we can create a sphere geometry to represent it; if there is a piece of paper on the table, we can use a rectangle geometry to model it. Geometries are the barebone of a scene: materials, lights, physical motions… are all built on top of geometries, they are basically the heart of a virtual world. We show some common types of geometries in the following sections to give you a rough idea how geometries are like in Photon renderer.

Rectangle, Triangle, and Sphere

These are common basic shapes to have in a renderer. They are useful for defining the shape of light sources or for further tessellation:

A rectangle.
A triangle. Complex shapes are often built with triangles.
A sphere. Useful from small light sources to a large dome.

Triangle Mesh

Games, modeling programs, and other applications typically use triangle mesh to represent arbitrary 3-D shapes. It is basically a collection of triangles grouping in a way that approximate some shapes. Below is a famous model called Suzanne.

A triangle mesh.


It is quite useful to have a generalized cube at hand. Unlike cubes, a cuboid allows variable extents. Cuboids are axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABB) in their local space.

A Cuboid (in fact a cube in this image).

A bonus to have cuboids is that voxel games like Minecraft can be rendered easily. Here is a work-in-progress render of a Minecraft level parser that tries to translate in-game data into SDL:

Test render of a Minecraft level parser.


We support also some interesting geometries such as wave and fractals. A wave is basically a cuboid with its top surface being tessellated according to a superposition of 2-D sine and cosine functions. These special geometries are sometimes useful for modeling a scene.

A triangle mesh submerged inside a wave geometry.
A fractal geometry (Menger sponge).